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18. - 23. May 2012: Stand up against Euro Apartheid!
Throughout May and June, as Euro 2012 will take place in Poland, Frontex will celebrate its 7th anniversary in it's headquater in Warsaw. The Warsaw noborder collective and occupied social center Syrena invites all to a week of actions against Frontex and Euro Apartheid 2012.
Gegen Abschiebung und staatlich forcierten Rassismus - Eine Übersicht mit Links zu antirassistischen Camps. (siehe dazu auch die rubrik noborder action auf no-racism.net/deportatiNO)
camp08.antira.info dokumentiert die Mobilisierung zum Antirassistischen Camp 2008, welches vom 16. bis zum 24. August 2008 in Hamburg stattfinden wird. Das Camp begreift sich einerseits als Weiterführung der Grenzcamps, bezieht sich aber auch auf die spektrenübergreifenden Mobilisierungen gegen den G8 in Heiligendamm 2007. Zur gleichen Zeit und am gleichen Ort findet ein Klima-Camp statt. Die Camps werden aufeinander abgestimmt.
Border crossing project travelling from Greece (early June 2006) via Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Hungary to the eco-activist gathering Ecotopia in Slovakia (August 2006). Supporting and connecting local youth groups, their actions and campaigns with the power of creative activism, the Caravan will share skills in the field of media, music, theatre, and street performance.
The Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) is the leading international scholarly association dedicated exclusively to the systematic interchange of ideas and information relating to international border areas. Founded in 1976 with the original emphasis on the study of the United States-Mexico borderlands region, the Association has grown steadily. It now encompasses an interdisciplinary membership of scholars at more than one hundred academic, governmental institutions, and NGOs representing the Americas, Asia, Africa and Europe.
Gesammelte Berichte aus dem Newswire und aus anderen Medien zum Thema Migration und Widerstand gegen Grenzen.
Information on the No Borders Camp near the Baxter detention centre, Australia, April 18 -20, 2009 (collected by no no one is illegal Melbourne).
Die Bürengruppe Paderborn ist eine antirassistische Gruppe gegen den Abschiebeknast in Büren und für globale Bewegungsfreiheit.
Make Fortress Europe History - Actions, debate & solidarity against Fortress Europe - No Border Camp.
Mobilization website of the Beyond Europe (BE*) platform for the No Border Camp, July 15-24, 2016, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Campaing againt border control, migration management and labour market control
(fr/de) Reports from a journey from Western Europe threw the Balkans to Turkey. You find there something about the situation of Roma/Romnia, reports from deported people as well as from the Noborders Camp in Siva Reka in August 2011. // Berichte einer Reise von Westeuropa über den Balkan in die Türkei, u.a. über die Situation von Roma/Romnia, Berichte von Abgeschobenen und vom Noborder Camp in Siva Reka im August 2011.
"Border Action Network formed in 1999 and works with immigrant and border communities in southern Arizona to ensure that our rights are respected, our human dignity upheld and that our communities are healthy places to live."
"Border Action Network is a human rights organization in border and immigrant communities. Our mission is to promote safety, equality, dignity, understanding and justice within the human environment and across cultures regardless of race, sexual orientation, religious beliefs or country of origin."
The BBF, founder of the Cultural Center of Mesilla is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit literary, literacy and storytelling organization based in Mesilla, New Mexico. Founded in 1995 by a group of writers, artists, and community people committed to celebrating literature and the art of storytelling in the southern United States-Northern México border region, the BBF believes that literature and the arts can transcend the many perceived orders—racial, ethnic, generational, cultural, socio-economic, and gender-based—that divide our communities. We are a grass roots organization that impacts our local, regional and global community by offering programs that are blueprints of positive communication, interaction, connection and healing between people.
Reporting from the TransBorder Project of the Center for International Policy (U.S.)
A list of selected online resources for research and current awareness of U.S.-Mexico migration issues. Compiled by Molly Molloy, New Mexico State University Library.
This website documents illegal push-backs and police violence inflicted by EU member state authorities.
"In order that the no man's land extend themselves to the rest of the world..." - toolbox for all the battles of NoBorder (it/en)
noborder protests 2000 and 2001: "Borderhack is a festival of hactivists, border activists and people related to cyber culture. It's a symbolic event to try and find out how the system works." - Perhaps nowhere in the world is the line of economic disparity so clearly drawn as along the Mexico-U.S. border.
tra-jec-to-ry (tra-jek'to-ri), n. [ pl. -ries (-riz)], the curve described by a body moving through space, as the path of a bullet discharged from a gun: Geom., the curve or surface that cuts all the curves or surfaces of a given system at a fixed angle..... (2002)
The borderlands hacklab is a network of hackers, artists and activists in the San Diego/Tijuana border region. We are creating a space for autonomous technology, that is, technology within autonomous social movements, operating outside of the State or the traditional forms of the left such as political parties or unions. When we say radical above, we generally mean anti-capitalist, anti-war and anti-authoritarian, or pro-decentralization of power.
(en) From 23th to 29th of June 2009 in Calais a camp for freedom of movement for all and an end to borders and to all migration controls took place.
(fr) Du 23 au 29 juin à Calais se tiendra un camp pour la liberté de circulation pour tous et toutes et la fin des frontières et des contrôles migratoires.
(de) Vom 23. bis 29. Juni 2009 fand in Calais, Frankreich, ein Camp für Bewegungsfreiheit und das Ende von Grenzen und aller Kontrollen von Migration statt.
"I started a blog on deletetheborder.org a couple years ago. This will sort of be a mirror site with several additional options for me and for you. Please check the old site for older posts."
Apoyo a las redes migrantes, sensibilización, y denuncia.
(en) Information on noborder camps in Germany, 1998 to 2000 (german/english)
(de) Informationen zu Grenzcamps in Deutschland, 1998 bis 2000 (deutsch/englisch)
Direct links are provided for resources that are available on the WWW. Subscription databases are available to NMSU students, faculty and staff and generally require that you go through a gateway. (New Mexico State University Library)
This page documents incidents where immigrants have died while trying to enter Europe. The list is by no means complete as it only contains incidents that have been reported in the media. Most of the deaths at the border never make it into the papers.
A Project from the ORGANIC Collective, San Diego (USA): "In addition, we would like to offer our site, deleteTheBorder.org to be open to usage by people all over the world working against borders. With event calendars, open publishing and image galleries, we hope that it can serve as a place to create a global network of movements against borders everywhere."
Publication/Documentation on: The Woomera2002 autonomadic caravan, festival of freedoms from 28 Mar - 01 Apr 2002, located in the South Australian desert. (The Woomera Detention Center was closed in spring 2003.)
"The no-border camp in Dikili/Turkey will take place on 3rd - 7th of September 2008. We are looking forward for your participation, co-operation and collaboration in work-shops."
noborder-Camp in DIKILI close to Izmir, Turkey from 3rd - 7th of September 2008.
"transmissions for justice and peace - community begins with communication" - with information from the Indigenous Border Summit of the Americas.
Tancarem els centres d'internament!
Monitoring European Police - Artikel zu den Themen Grenzregime, Migrationsmanagement und zur rassistischen Abschottungspolitik. (de/en)
With information on noborder camp in Imatra, July 2004. "Kaikkialla Euroopassa turvapaikanhakijoita ja muita maahantulijoita suljetaan vankiloihin ja kutsuttuihin pakolaisvankiloihin. Silünotossa on kyse rikest lnsimaisten oikeusperiaatteiden loukkaamisesta pelken kansallisuuden perusteella, sille seileünotettuja ei pidete vangittuna minken rikossyytteen tai -tuomion takia - heiden "rikoksensa" on yksinkertaisesti "ulkomaalaisuus". Helsingin Katajanokan seileünottokeskus on suljettava lopullisesti sie sieMetsen."
(de/en) Initiative von Aktivist_innen und Geflüchteten in EUropa und weltweit. / Initiative from activists and refugees in solidarity with struggles of refugees in EUrope and worldwide.
FNS provides on-line news coverage of the US-Mexico border
keepin' an eye on the Kerberos of the EU border regime
(en) Information on Frontex, the "European Border Agency"
(de) Informationen über Frontex, die EU-Grenzschutzagentur
Grenzposten beschäftigt sich theoretisch mit dem Thema Grenze: "Dabei verstehen wir grenze nicht nur als räumliches Konzept. Wir beschäftigen uns mit räumlichen, körperlichen, sozialen und staatlichen, mit vernüftigen, normalisierenden, wahnsinnigen, ... grenzen und gehen der Frage nach, wie mit Hilfe von grenzen Macht ausgeübt wird, Hierarchien hergestellt und Kräfteverhältnisse reguliert werden."
www.clandestina.org is a website managed by the Group of Migrants and Refugees based in Thessaloniki, Greece. It provides information in Greek, Albanian, Russian/Ukrainian and Turkish
A cluster of folks who shut down the Houston Processing Center, an imigrant detention facility in North Houston, run by the Corrections Corporation of America.
Humane Borders, motivated by faith, offers humanitarian assistance to those in need through more than 70 emergency water stations on and near the U.S.-Mexican border.
No Border camp from 9. to 16. July 2004 in Imatra, situated in the southeast of Finland where it rubs shoulders with the Russian border. On the other side of the border - only 7 kilometres away from the centre of Imatra - lies the town of Svetogorsk.
Border issues - special coverage
Berichte aus der Meerenge von Gibraltar, der engen Grenze zwischen Afrika und der EU bzw. Marokko und Spanien (zum Großteil auf spanisch).
The No Border Camp in the UK to be held on 19-24 Sep 2007 to oppose a new planned immigration prison at Gatwick.
Archive of coverage on immigrant rights and noborder issues - collected features and articles from indymedia projects across the u.s.
Information about the Greek border regime and the No Border Camp near Mytilini, Lesvos.
Moving the European borders into the centre of critique! - This blog is mobilising to and reporting about the noborder camp which will take place on the greek island of Lesvos from the 25th to the 31st of August 2009.
Shut Down the Camp Initiative - day of action against the Sandholm refugee camp in North Zealand, Denmark on October the 25th, 2008 - massive civil disobedience action
a tool against global governance and for free movement.
Melbourne Indymedia provides a section with information on migration and struggles against borders in Australia.
(Note: Melbourne Indymedia suspended open publishing in June 2007 and is back since September 2009 as part of :: indymedia.org.au with the :: section asylum seekers - couldn't find the old migration archive anymore (http://melbourne.indymedia.org/features/migration)
Este blog recogerá las informaciones no publicadas, o la versión no oficial de las publicadas, relacionadas con la situación de los inmigrantes que intentan entrar en Europa o que permanecen atrapados en la ciudad. Naturalmente intentaremos ser lo más objetivos y favorables a la libertad de circulación de las personas, los derechos humanos y la desaparición de todos los muros vallas y fronteras de este mundo.
Mexicans Without Borders is a network of community based organizations located in the tri-state area of Virginia, Washington DC and Maryland.
The National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights (NNIRR) is a national U.S. organization composed of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists committed to immigrant rights. (...) This blog documents NNIRR's efforts and experiences in various international arenas including the WTO ministerial meetings, the World Social Forum, the United Nations etc.
The Minnesota Immigrant Freedom Network is a grassroots, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose mission is to fix the broken immigration system in this country. Our strategies include grass-roots community organizing, media justice work, immigrant leadership development, bipartisan legislative work, popular education, civic engagement and using art as a catalyst for social change.
MIRAc (...) is an organization that organizes the immigrant community and their allies to try to win legalization for all and equality in all aspects of life. We struggle for legalization, for a moratorium on raids and deportations, and for drivers licenses for all regardless of immigration status. MIRAc was formed in Spring 2006 out of the huge immigrant rights marches. We’ve organized many protests, marches and other activities for immigrant rights in Minnesota since then.
The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) is a national organization composed of local coalitions and immigrant, refugee, community, religious, civil rights and labor organizations and activists. It serves as a forum to share information and analysis, to educate communities and the general public, and to develop and coordinate plans of action on important immigrant and refugee issues. We work to promote a just immigration and refugee policy in the United States and to defend and expand the rights of all immigrants and refugees, regardless of immigration status.
(de) Rubrik mit Informationen zu Grenzcamps seit 1998.
(en) Section with information on noborder camps since 1998.
a lot of no border actions happening this summer ... it seems that many reports were not collected together. If we can collect the info together, we may discover that the amplitude of no border actions is bigger than ...
Second Week November/Segundo Semana Noviembre 2007
From 15th- 24th July 2016 a transnational No Border Camp is taking place in Thessaloniki, Greece.
"The goal of the No Border Network is fairly simple. Ideally the network should make it possible to exchange information faster, simpler and more efficient. By using the network it has to become easier to inform and mobilize people if actions are being organized."
Solidariteits-tour langs drie detentiecentra in Nederland, 06. May 2012 - Geen Mens is Illegal!
Global news for activists campaigning for the freedom of movement and an end to migration controls.
No Borders Glasgow is a network of people committed to practical solidarity, mutual aid and direct action in resistance to migration controls and the persecution of refugees and other migrants. Join us in the fight against dawn raids, detention centres, deportations, exploitation, poverty and racism.
Close All Detention Centres - Stop Deportations - No Immigration Controls
No Borders London support all those in struggle against borders, against their incarceration in detention centres, against their deportation, against their super-exploitation as ‘illegal’ workers. We work to develop spaces of solidarity where resistance and life can be developed.
"Noborders is a network of people wanting to take action on the root causes of racism against asylum seekers and refugees. We are against immigration controls. Put simply, we believe that No-one is Illegal."
No Borders Morocco – Morocco Migrant Solidarity is a lose network of activists-migrants-people, based in/between Morocco and Europe. We try to keep a continuous flow of information from the people based in Morocco towards the wider European and Moroccan public.
Freedom Of Movement And Equal Rights For All - Information on noborder Groups across the U.K.
Coverage of No Border Camp 19 - 24 Sep 2007 at Gatwick Airport, UK: This camp will be a chance to work together and to try to stop the building of a new detention centre, and to gather ideas for how to build up the fight against the system of migration controls.
opposing immigration control & deportation of asylum seekers / refugees
The project of non-profit organization Social Action Centre first was created in 2006 as informal initiative of grassroots activists in response to unlawful extradition of 11 refugees from Ukraine to Uzbekistan. This initiative' goal was to attract public attention to civic protests and problems of refugees in Ukraine. Among the sphere of interests of "No Borders" activists were freedom of movement, refugees' rights in Ukraine, counteraction to xenophobia and racism in Ukrainian society. (...) Now, together with other human rights NGOs and international organizations, works to protect and promote human rights...
für Bewegungsfreiheit. Gegen Ausgrenzung und Abschiebung. "Wir fordern die Schließung aller Internierungslager, aller Lager, aller Abschiebegefängnisse und Abschiebezentren und wir verlangen die Abschaffung des Residenzpflichtgesetzes." (The Voice)
Tour vom 20. Aug - 5. Sep 2004 durch Deutschland.
Close isolation and deportation camps - no lager!
Reports from The Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants in Germany
Berichte von der Karawane für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen in Deutschland
"No More Deaths is a coalition of communities and individuals of faith and conscience that works to end the suffering and deaths of migrants in the Arizona-Sonora borderlands. We embrace an action plan that includes movable desert camps, support of migrant aid centers, maintenance of water stations, Samaritan patrols that search the desert for migrants in need, and advocacy on behalf of migrant-related issues."
deportatiNO handelt vom alltäglichen Widerstand gegen Internierung und Deportationen, von Kampagnen gegen Fluggesellschaften und Firmen, die mit Abschiebungen Geld verdienen und von Aktionen gegen Grenzen und Grenzregime.
deportatiNO deals with everday resistance to detentions and deportations, campaigns against airline carriers and companies that earn money through deportations, and actions against borders.
Bulgaria without borders 2011
contact: noborders.bulgaria@gmail.com
Das NoBorder Camp Bulgarien findet von 25. bis 29. August 2011 in Siva Reka statt, nahe zur türkisch-griechischen-bulgarischen Grenze.
The Noborder Camp Bulgaria take place from 25. to 29. August 2011 in Siva Reka, near to the borders between Turkey, Greece, and Bulgaria.
Archive of reports about Noborder camps in Poland (2000-2002, en)
Europaweite Vernetzung gegen Grenzen. Mit zahlreichen Berichten über noborder Aktionen (auf englisch).
Europeanwide Network against Borders, with many reports on noborder actions (in english).
Ein offener, anitrassistischer Zusammenhang in Frankfurt/Main. "Neben der Orga von Info-Veranstaltungen zum Zusammenhang von Migration(s-Kontrollen) und Rassismus, beteiligen wir uns an Aktionen gegen Abschiebungen am Frankfurter Flughafen."
Information on the noborder camp in Patras, Greek, August 28-31, 2008
(de/en) Informationen über das globale Lagersystem -- Informations about the global camp system
Dutch photographer Piet den Blanken has taken up a ambitious project: he is making a photographic document of the new borders of Europe.
Sobre este Blog "Por la Libertad de Movimiento en Canarias" - auf noborderscanarias finden sich aktuelle Artikel, Informationen zu Kampagnen und Dokumente auf spaisch.
The French-Italian border of Ventimiglia is a place full of contradictions. Since the closure of the border in the middle of june 2015 this place has been one of the symbols of violence that characterizes the EU immigration policy... And The Presidio Permanente No Border in Ventimiglia was set up there.
(es) Cooperación directa basada en la comunicación y coordinación real intercontinental
Notizie, voci, immagini dalla resistenza al razzismo - Protests and information for freedom of movement - against racism from the Antiracist Commission of Italian Anarchist Federation.
Solidarity Across Borders is a Montreal-area (Canada) coalition initiated by several groups active in defending the rights of migrants, immigrants and refugees. The majority of groups within Solidarity Across Borders are self-organized committees of persons directly affected by repressive anti-immigrant and 'anti-terrorist' laws and regulations in Fortress North America. (en/fr)
International Solidarity with No Border Activists and Other Arrestees in Belgium.
(de) Eine Woche, die von zivilem Ungehorsam, Diskussionen, Filmvorführungen und direkten Aktionen gegen die europäische Migrationspolitik geprägt sein soll.
(en) A week of civil disobedience, discussions, film screenings and direct action against the European migration policy.
We are a group who organizes a No border camp in Stockholm. We are all people with various political beliefs and experiences, but share a common vision of a world where everyone can freely move across this globe without ever being called illegal. Our work is non-profit based and has no affiliation with any government, religious or parliamentary groups.
We organize this camp because we believe that humanity is worth a vision of another life, an existence of mutual trust, love and helpfulness. We want to gather, to share each other’s creativity, to live our vision and to turn our anger against that which makes these things impossible. For a world where local and global compassion and responsibility are not opposites.
Dezentraler Aktions-Tag ohne Abschiebungen am 30. August 2008 Local action-Day without deportations on August 30, 2008
TeKedasDondeKieras (StayWhereverYouWantTo) is an collective which, having observed growing racism in the application of European laws against migrants, offers resistance towards state racism and all that limits people’s ability to move freely. Since no-one is illegal we should stay wherever we want to. (en italiano)
In the "heart of the monster": Amsterdam, Sevilla, Torino, Bamako, London, Athens, Warsaw, Hamburg, Malmoe, Ceuta ... Between February and October 2008
Bildarchiv zu Antirassistischen Grenzcamps 1999 bis 2001 in Deutschland (Photos und Videos).
Fotoberichte vom Antirassismus - und Klima - Camp in Hamburg vom 16. - 24. August 2008
Informationen zum Geschehen an den Grenzen und Migrationswegen über den Balkan in die EU im Sommer und Herbst 2015, nützliches für Helfer_innen und eine Chronologie der Berichte auf no-racism.net.
Since border policies were implemented in the 1990s, thousands of migrants have lost their lives on the U.S./México border. In an effort to honor every life that has been lost on the borders, Coalición de Derechos Humanos/Alianza Indígena Sin Fronteras records the number of deaths that are occurring on the border.
Wombles collectes news and information about anti-capitalist / anarchist direct action, protests and events. The areas we try to focus on include articles on solidarity campaigns for radical prisoners, border / migration struggles, autonomous work place organising, social centres, squatted or free spaces. Link to Topic borders / migration.
Woomera2002 - Autonomadic Caravan & Festival of Freedoms was an event that brought together a diverse range of people and groups - around the remote migrant internment camp in Woomera, South Australia - seeking to create new ways of connecting the struggles around indigenous land rights, new world borders, toxic waste, uranium mining and the not-so-new warlords.
Features from Melbourne Indymedia, Asylum Seeker Testimony, Solidarity Actions and Messages, Personal Accounts, Breaking News, Analysis, Media Analysis, Audio, Photos, Video.
Debates over border controls and migration processing systems. (A project from Australia, not updated since 2003)